Thursday 20 October 2011

Essential Media Technologies

Blogger- Useful for sharing resources between teachers, hosting lesson resources such as videos & presentations, setting work, having work stored for exam preparation, students' own blogs ensure teachers record their work/progress, allow them to upload multimedia files, engage them in their learning (

Prezi- cool and sexy presentation programme (

Wordle - useful for introducing concepts and recording key terms (

Scribd- website which allows you to upload documents to publish to blog sites (

YouTube- essential for all aspects of Media Studies teaching; examples of Media texts, presentations on different areas of the Media, information on New Technologies etc... (

Embedding documents- on the programme go to the 'SHARE' icon and click embed, you will then be given a code to copy, copy this and paste it in the 'EDIT HTML' section of your post

Mapping out Media Studies over a year

Mapping Out Media Teaching

(Seems to have dropped the letters F and G!)

Basic Photoshop Skills

Photoshop Skills

A2 Collective Identity (Applying Theories)

Applying Theories to Your Essay-A2

A2 Advanced Production (Preproduction Checklist)

Year 13 Music Videos Booklet Final

AS Audiences and Institutions SOW

Section B SOW

Ideologies PowerPoint
